Information pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 - code regarding the protection of personal data
We inform you that the processing of data provided via email has the purpose of proceeding with the execution of the requested services. The data will be processed on paper, computer or any other type of suitable support, in compliance with the minimum security measures pursuant to the Technical Regulations on minimum security measures, Annex B of the Legislative Decree. 196/2003.
Personal data may be disclosed to:
- Staff of the Residenza VerdeMare Misano as managers and persons in charge of processing for the management of the practices relating to the contract in place; the staff has been duly trained on the security of personal data and the right to privacy.
- External subjects who carry out specific tasks on behalf of the Residenza VerdeMare Misano.
In any case, the prohibition on communicating or disseminating your personal data to subjects not necessary for the performance of the services or practices requested by you via email remains unaffected.
The data controller is the 'ResidenzaVerdeMareMisano' of Pierangelo Bronzetti: info@residenzaverdemaremisano.it
At any time you can exercise your rights towards the data controller, pursuant to Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 by contacting the Residenza VerdeMareMisano, via Nazionale Adriatica Interna, 212 c, 47843 Misano Adriatico RN or by calling the timetables opening of the residence at n. 353.4077237.
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